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   Members, including professional level classification members, regular members, enterprise member, brand supplier member and student member, a total of five levels of members.


a. 本會認可之室內設計、室內建築設計、建築設計學士學位及兩年相關專業工作經驗。
b. 本會認可之室內設計、室內建築設計文憑或同等學歷及三年相關專業工作經驗。
c. 本會認可之室內設計、室內建築設計證書或同等學歷及四年相關專業工作經驗。
d.  十年室內設計專業工作經驗。


   【Professional members】

   Professional members must be Hong Kong permanent identity card holders (peculiar circumstance exception), and has the following any.
a.  The recognition of interior design, interior architectural design, architecture   design bachelor degree and two years related experience.
b.  The recognition of interior design, interior architectural design diploma or equivalent experience and 3 years related experience.
c.  The recognition of interior design, interior architectural design certificate or equivalent education background and four years related experience.
d.  Years interior design professional work experience.
Under special circumstances, such as individuals can reveal its height knowledge and professional level, we may also consider to be not the qualifications of the applicant.
   This class also includes a college, high school, college or design institute of the interior design, interior architectural design, architecture design department engaged in education work of individuals, authorities should possess professor interior design, interior architectural design, architecture design bachelor's and diploma professional qualifications, and currently employed by the position. Under special circumstances, such as individuals can reveal its height knowledge and professional level, we may also consider to be not the qualifications of the applicant.
   Professional members have the right to vote by the general assembly, and can be awarded hair Hong Kong indoor stylist association member certificate, and can use  " HK INDOOR DESIGNER ASSOCIATION (professional members)" title.



 【Regular members】   

    Regular members must be Hong Kong permanent identity card holders(peculiar circumstance exception),  and engage in interior design, interior architectural design, architecture design work, but not meet professional membership of the people. 
Regular members have the right to vote by the general assembly, and can use " HK INDOOR DESIGNER     ASSOCIATION (regular members)" title.


   企業會員於會員大會沒有投票權,及不能被委任本會任何職位。企業會員可獲發香港室內設計師協會會員證書,及可使用「香港室內計設師協會 (企業會員)」的名銜。

 【Enterprise member】   

    Enterprise member must be engaged in interior design in Hong Kong business enterprises (special cases except). Enterprise member can appoint and registration of not more than two delegates attend any activities, and appointed representative of the professional must conform to the membership.
Enterprise members have no voting right by the general assembly, and cannot be appointed saefi any job. Enterprise member may attain the hair Hong Kong indoor stylist association member certificate, and can use " HK INDOOR DESIGNER ASSOCIATION (enterprise member)" title.


    品牌供應商會員在會員大會沒有投票權,及不能被委任本會任何職位。品牌供應商會員可使用「香港室內計設師協會 (品牌供應商會員)」的名銜。

    【Brand supplier member】
    Brand supplier member is limited to outstanding supplier and other related business enterprise. Brand supplier member can appoint and registration of not more than two delegates attend any activities.
    Brand supplier member in member conference, and have no voting right cannot be appointed saefi any job. Brand supplier member can use " HK INDOOR DESIGNER ASSOCIATION (brand supplier member)" title.

    學生會員在會員大會沒有投票權,及可使用「香港室內設計師協會 (學生會員)」的名銜。

   【The student membership】
    Student member must in Hong Kong enrolled in the recognition of the college, major in interior design interior architectural design of full-time students enrolled.
    Student member must in Hong Kong enrolled in the recognition of the college, major in interior design interior architectural design of full-time students enrolled.

   The student membership in the member conference have no voting right, and can use " HK INDOOR DESIGNER ASSOCIATION (student member)" title.

* 詳細資料請参考會藉申請表 (請點擊鏈接下載)

 Details please refer to the English edition will be through application form.


China - ASEAN Affairs special account forRemittance way:

Account Name: HK Indoor Designer Association       開戶名稱:香港室內設計師協會

Account CNY: 574-1-175620-3                                  人民幣賬號:574-1-175620-3

Account HKD: 574-1-175617-3                                  港幣賬號:574-1-175617-3 

Account USD:  574-1-175618-1                                 美元賬號:574-1-175618-1 

Bank name: Standard Chartered Bank (HK) Ltd.       銀行名稱渣打銀行(香港)有限公司

Bank Address: 68 Nathan Road, TSIMSHATSUI, KOWLOON, HONG KONG



Europe and the United States - Japan and South Korea special account forRemittance way:

Account Name: HK Indoor Designer Association         開戶名稱:香港室內設計師協會

Account: 817-399413-838                                              賬號:817-399413-838

Bank name: HSBC Hong Kong                                      銀行名稱:香港匯豐銀行

Bank Address: 1 Queen's Road Central, Hong Kong     銀行地址:香港皇後大道中1號




