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1.  集合與室內環境設計有關之專業人員, 務求使整個設計行業和用家受益。
Collection and indoor environment design related professionals, striving for the whole design industry and with home benefit.
2.  推廣及鼓勵發展室內設計、建造材料品質、專業設計師之教育及培訓。
Promote and encourage development of interior design, construction materials quality, education and training of professional designers.
3.  發展及提高設計師、承建商、材料供應商之專業資格,並包括專業守則創造水平技藝及技術革新。
Development and improve stylist contractors material supplier professional qualifications, and including professional skills and create code level of technological innovation.
4.  增強公眾對健康及安全之注意程度,並推廣在室內設計及建造過程中對新科技殳材料的使用。
Increase awareness of health and safety degree of attention, and the promotion of the interior design and construction process to the new technology Shu the use of material.
5.  釐訂專業資格,設立行內專業守則,使僱主清楚了解對室內設計師協會會員之期望。
Prescribe professional qualifications, establish inline codes, the employer clear understanding of indoor stylist association member of expectations. 
6.  設立資訊網絡以及舉行各類型之展覽講座及學術性活動等,使會與會員之間能交流最新之訊息。
Set up information network, as well as various types of exhibition held seminars and academic activities, and between members, can communicate the latest information.
7.  促進本港、澳門、台灣、中國大陸及國際間之設計師、承建商、材料供應商及公眾之間的意念及資料交流, 並關注各方需要。
  Promote Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan, mainland China and international designers, constructors, material suppliers and public ideas and information exchange between the parties, and attention needs.
8.  履行研究及發展使用環保材料之責任。
To perform research and development use environmental protection data responsibility.
9.  促進本港及國際間同類機構之合作及發展。
Promote Hong Kong and international similar bodies of cooperation and development.
10. 爭取政府認可專業室內設計師資格, 及確定在工程中聘請合符專業資格設計師之重要性。
Strive for government recognized professional interior designer qualifications, and determine the hire operators in engineering fits the importance of professional qualifications, stylist.




